Live Saxophonist


54294 Rheinland-Pfalz - Trier


Hi there !

my name is Ruben, and I am a professional saxophonist with over ten years of experience performing in various settings. I am reaching out to express my interest in providing live music entertainment.

With a passion for creating memorable atmospheres and enhancing the dining experience for patrons, I specialize in delivering soulful melodies and vibrant rhythms that complement the ambiance.

Whether it's smooth jazz, upbeat pop tunes, or soothing background music, I pride myself on tailoring my performances to suit the unique vibe of each venue.

I am confident that my musical talent can add value to your establishment and create memorable experiences for you .

Please feel free to reach out to me . I look forward to take a part at your event.

Instagram: rob_saxophonee
Phone number : +4917645983975

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